You have a website. You have written the content and maybe even have some good corporate photography you are happy with – the hard part is over. When it comes time to redesign your website, the process should be faster and less expensive. Nevertheless, it is not a decision to take lightly, so when is it time to redesign your website? Here are 5 signs to watch for…
1. Your design is looking dated
Like the world of fashion, design has seasons. Bevelled edges and drop shadows were once all the rage. When the iPhone launched it was glossy icons that looked like they had reflective surfaces. Now, things are more flat, generally in a single colour, and imagery has moved from stock photos to real photos of your team. If your website is looking dated compared to your competitors or others in your industry, it might be time for a refresh. Think about when you are shopping online, or looking for a supplier. If their website is old-fashioned, do you trust them with your credit card details, or even email address?
2. Your brand has changed
Brands evolve, it’s the nature of business. If the branding on your social media, or corporate stationery has moved on, make sure your website keeps up. Remember, consistency creates trust.
3. Your website isn’t working well on mobile browsers
Mobile browsers update even faster than mobile handsets upgrade. Mobile browsing accounts for nearly 60% of all online internet access (correct at time of writing) and grows every year, so it is incredibly important that your website performs well on small screens. If it doesn’t, it’s time to get that design updated.
4. Your users aren’t having a good experience
Whether it’s anecdotal feedback from users and staff, or a look at your stats that show people are not going where you want them to go, poor user experience is something that needs to be taken seriously. Try to look at your website through the eyes of an average user, or ask someone who has never been on your website to achieve a task or find out a fact. If your website is failing the test, it’s time to look at a redesign.
5. Your website is not converting
What is your website supposed to do? What is it’s goal? Now, and be honest, is it achieving that goal? Dig into your stats and find out where people are leaving your website. Are your carts being abandoned? Or are form pages being visited far more than forms are being submitted? Any of these metrics are indicative that your website needs some conversion optimisation in the first instance, and if deemed necessary, a redesign.
So that’s five things to look out for. If none of these seem familiar then great news! Your website is doing it’s job. If you aren’t sure, get in touch and find out more about a website audit, find out if it’s a good choice for your business.